: Gen 2019 (v1.1) and Design + 2019 (v1.1) 21페이지 변경 DESIGN OF General Structures Integrated Design System for Building and General Structures 1 midas Gen Gen 2019 (v1.1) Release Note Index In our country, Midas Civil is most widely used in the field of Bridge design.Midas Gen Gen 2019 (v1.1) Release Note Release Note Release Date: July, 2018 Product Ver. Midas Civil has been used very widely around the world. Unelastic time history analysis (Earthquake calculation taking into account the nonlinear behavior of materials).Hydrothermal analysis for large concrete structures.Dynamic analysis of nonlinear boundary conditions.

Design of prestressed concrete bridge according to AASHTO LRFD Standard, in accordance with Vietnam Standard 22 TCN 272-05.Design basic structural types: concrete bridge, prestressed concrete, steel bridge, cable-stayed bridge, cable-stayed bridge, abutment bridge, etc.By combining structural analysis features with analysis-specific features for Bridge engineering such as construction phase analysis, static seismic analysis, and nonlinear time history analysis, Midas Civil is an essential tool for modeling, analysis and design of Bridge engineers and students.

Midas Civil is a fully integrated software that supports the design of Bridge structures.